Balance Worksheet
What is the Balance Worksheet?
The Balance Worksheet is a budgeting tool that helps you track your account balances against pending and scheduled bill payments.
Starting Balance
The Starting Balance is the dollar amount that is in your bill pay funding account upon clicking the Make Payments tab.
What's Left
What's Left is the projected dollar amount that will remain in your account after your outstanding bill payments. Starting Balance - total amount of outstanding bill payments = What's Left.
Unpaid Bills
Unpaid Bills are those for which you have set up a payment reminder but are not yet scheduled to be paid. The total amount of your unpaid bills is NOT included in your What's Left balance.
Entering Transactions into the Balance Worksheet
The Balance Worksheet only lists transactions that are initiated and completed in bill pay. Other transactions that you make with your funding account, such as transfers or debit card purchases, will not appear in the Balance Worksheet (but may be reflected in your Starting Balance next time you log in).