Fifth Third Bank

Security Phone Numbers

In the very rare case that we detect any unusual or uncharacteristic activity on your account, we may call you on the phone to verify your identity.

Fifth Third Bank requests that you provide phone numbers where you can be reached when banking online. These numbers will ONLY be used to verify your identity—this will NOT update our bank records or be used for marketing. If you need to update those phone numbers, please contact a Customer Service Professional at 1-800-972-3030.

Security Phone Numbers

You can supply up to three telephone numbers. Select the type of telephone number (e.g. Mobile). Type in the nine digit telephone number with area code first. If there is an extension associated with this number, add it to the Ext. box.

If you have an international number, check the "I have an International phone number" box. Additional fields will appear. They will accommodate international numbers.

When you have entered your security phone number(s), click the Next button. Review the number(s). If you need to make changes, click the Edit button to return to the previous screen. Click the Finish button to complete the process.