Worrying about identity theft—and how to prevent it—can make for some restless nights. Fortunately, Fifth Third offers comprehensive ID theft protection for you and your family.
Our advanced defense systems safeguard you with powerful, proactive solutions that can help stop fraud before it occurs. And give you the peace of mind you deserve.
Fifth Third Identity AlertSM |
Fifth Third Identity Alert PremiumSM |
With automatic daily credit monitoring, tools to manage your credit scores, identity theft insurance, and more, Fifth Third Identity Alert helps keep your personal information safe and protects you from the major types of identity theft. | Fifth Third Identity Alert Premium helps delivers peace of mind with our most comprehensive ID theft protection for you and your family. As a member, you'll benefit from enhanced credit monitoring, expanded insurance coverage, additional protection for your child's social security number, and more. |
Benefits Include:
Benefits Include:
Membership Prices: With a Preferred or Private Bank checking account18 you'll receive a discount of $9.95 for a net cost of $0/month. With any other Fifth Third checking account10 you'll receive a discount of $3.95 for a net cost of $6/month. Otherwise, the cost is $9.95/month. Upon enrollment, your monthly fee will be automatically deducted from your Fifth Third checking account each month, unless you call 1-800-972-3030 to cancel your membership.
Visit your local Fifth Third financial center to take advantage of the Fifth Third Checking customer discount. |
Membership Prices: With a Preferred or Private Bank checking account18 you'll receive a discount of $9.95 for a net cost of $5/month. With any other Fifth Third checking account10 you'll receive a discount of $5.95 for a net cost of $9/month. Otherwise, the cost is $14.95/month. Upon enrollment, your monthly fee will be automatically deducted from your Fifth Third checking account each month, unless you call 1-800-972-3030 to cancel your membership.
Visit your local Fifth Third financial center to take advantage of the Fifth Third Checking customer discount. |
Identity Recovery Assistance
Fifth Third Identity Recovery Assistance is a complimentary identity theft insurance benefit included with all Fifth Third Enhanced and Established Checking accounts.17
Identity Theft Education
Worrying about identity theft - and how to prevent it - can make for some restless nights. Visit our Identity Theft Education pages and learn how identity theft happens and steps you can take to protect yourself.
Fees & Disclosures
*Your credit monitoring and alerts, Identity Theft Insurance and Fraud Assistance begin automatically upon enrollment.
**Your other optional benefits will not be available or released to you unless you visit 53identityalert.com and use the member account number to create log in credentials and then access these benefits. Or you may call us at 1-800-972-3030 to request activation materials to be sent to you through the mail.
- Daily monitoring will notify you of any new inquiries, certain derogatory information, accounts, public records or change of address that have been added to your credit reports as reported by one of the major credit reporting agencies. If no information has been added or changed, then you will receive a quarterly notification stating that no information has changed within your credit file.
- Fifth Third Identity Alert, Financial Services Association, or their service providers as applicable, and their credit information subcontractors shall not have any liability for the accuracy of the information contained in your credit reports, credit scores, or monitoring reports which you receive in connection with the Fifth Third Identity Alert service, including liability for damages, direct or indirect, consequential or incidental.
- Your CreditXpert® Scores™ are provided by CreditXpert Inc. Although these scores are not used by lenders to evaluate your credit, they are intended to reflect common credit scoring practices and are designed to help you understand your credit. Your scores are based on information from the files at the three major credit reporting agencies. Your scores may not be identical or similar to scores you receive directly from those agencies or from other sources.
- Fifth Third Identity Alert monitors up to ten registered credit/debit cards and your Social Security number on the Internet, based on extensive research of Internet chat rooms; however, it is impossible to ensure that all Internet chat rooms have been searched for your personal information. Accordingly, your monitoring alert reports may not contain or apprise you of all your personal information that is publicly available or that may have been compromised.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: YOUR LIABILITY FOR UNAUTHORIZED USE UNDER FEDERAL LAW: For credit cards: If the card issuer has notified you of your maximum potential liability, has provided a means for you to notify the card issuer of credit card loss, and if the credit card contains a means of identifying the cardholder or authorized user, then your liability for unauthorized use of your card before the card issuer is notified is no more than $50.00 on each card. For debit and cash-machine (ATM) cards: Your liability for unauthorized use of your card is no more than $50.00 if you notify the card issuer of card loss within two business days after you learn of the loss of the card. After that, your liability is up to $500.00, provided that the card issuer establishes that the unauthorized charges would not have occurred if you had notified the card issuer within the two business day period. In addition, if you do not notify the card issuer within 60 days after a periodic statement showing unauthorized transfers is sent to you, then you will also be liable for the amount of unauthorized transfers that occurred after the 60-day period and before notice to the card issuer, provided that the card issuer establishes that the unauthorized charges would not have occurred if you had notified the card issuer within the 60-day period. Your card issuer's liability policy may provide for lesser liability amounts than indicated above. Consult your card issuer's terms and conditions for specific details. The policy of many card issuers is not to hold cardholders liable. Nothing set forth in your membership materials alters any rights you may have under federal or state law with respect to unauthorized or erroneous transactions on your card accounts. You are not required to have this service to maintain your credit, debit, or ATM cards.
The Identity Theft Insurance benefits are provided to all members, along with all other benefits afforded as part of the program, through Financial Services Association (FSA or the "Association"). Upon enrollment in the program, you will automatically be admitted as a member of the Association.
The Identity Theft Insurance is underwritten by insurance company subsidiaries or affiliates of American International Group, Inc., under group policy # 7077733 for non-New York State Insureds and # 1423212 for New York State Insureds. All exclusions and limitations of the master policy apply. See the Benefits Summary for details regarding such exclusions and limitations. Availability of coverage is subject to underwriting qualifications and state laws and regulations. Coverage is subject to actual policy language.
- Daily monitoring will notify you of any new inquiries, certain derogatory information, accounts, public records, or change of address that have been added to your credit reports as reported by any of the three major credit reporting agencies. If no information has been added or changed, then you will receive a quarterly notification stating that no information has changed within your credit file.
- Fifth Third Identity Alert monitors the Social Security number for up to ten of your children who are under the age of 18 in credit headers and pre-credit data sources; however, it is impossible to ensure that all pre-credit data sources have been searched. Accordingly, your child monitoring alert notifications may not contain or apprise you of all instances in which your child's Social Security number may have been compromised. Once your child turns 18, he/she will be removed from the monitoring.
- Exclusion Language: The information network is comprised of many U.S. credit issuers, including credit card issuers, retailers, and telecom companies. However, Fifth Third Identity Alert PremiumSM information network does not include all companies that require verification of your identity prior to providing you with a service or credit. As a result, it is possible that fraudulent attempts to verify your identity could be submitted using your personal information that is not detected by Fifth Third Identity Alert PremiumSM.
- Mobile Internet data charges may apply as well as text messaging charges. Contact your mobile service provider for details.
- $50 minimum deposit to open a checking account. Deposit and credit products provided by Fifth Third Bank. Member FDIC.
Credit Card Registration with Lost/Stolen Assistance
Some financial institutions may require you to call them directly and will not accept notification from third parties in which case we will contact you so that you can call your financial institution directly.
Emergency Cash
Member must be at least 100 miles from home and have available credit on a designated bank card. Emergency cash is charged as cash advance, and is subject to that account's finance rates.
FDA & Product Recalls
Fifth Third Identity Alert, or its service providers as applicable, do not make any representation, express or implied, that the information provided by the FDA & product recall list service is accurate. This service relies on publicly available data and, therefore, not all FDA & product recalls may be in the service's database.
Score Tracker with Alerts
Score Tracker displays your Experian Scorex PLUSSM credit score. Although this score is not used by lenders to evaluate your credit, it is intended to reflect common scoring practices. Your score is calculated using a specific algorithm and is based on information from the files at Experian. Your score may not be similar to scores you receive directly from Experian or from other sources.
Fifth Third Identity Alert monitors up to three of your current or past physical addresses, three of your phone numbers, and three of your e-mail addresses on the internet based on a search of internet directories; however, we cannot ensure that all internet directories have been searched for your personal information. Accordingly, we may not be able to apprise you of all of your personal information that may have been compromised.
Registered Offender Locator
Fifth Third Identity Alert, or its service providers as applicable, do not make any representation, express or implied, that the information provided by the Registered Sex Offender Locator service is accurate. This service relies on publicly available data and, therefore, the location of all sex offenders may not be in the service's database. This service does not monitor addresses in the state of California.
- Should your checking account that offers Fifth Third Identity Recovery Assistance for free be closed or changed to another account type where this is not included, your access to this benefit will be terminated. The Identity Theft Insurance benefits are provided to all members, along with all other benefits afforded as part of the program, through Financial Services Association (FSA or the "Association"). Upon enrollment in the program, you will automatically be admitted as a member of the Association. The Identity Theft Insurance is underwritten by insurance company subsidiaries or affiliates of American International Group, Inc., under group policy # 7077733 for non-New York State Insureds and # 1423212 for New York State Insureds. All exclusions and limitations of the master policy apply. See the Benefit Summary for details regarding such exclusions and limitations. Availability of coverage is subject to underwriting qualifications and state laws and regulations. Coverage is subject to actual policy language.
- Eligible Private Bank checking accounts include Fifth Third Private Bank PCA and Fifth Third Private Bank Checking.
- Information provided on the website is updated every quarter. If you have signed up to receive quarterly e-newsletter alerts, you will be alerted each quarter once the new material has been posted.
The federal Fair Credit Billing Act gives you the right to dispute billing errors, such as unauthorized charges, on your credit card by notifying your credit card company in writing within 60 days after the first bill containing the error was sent to you. The credit card company must resolve the dispute within two billing cycles (not to exceed 90 days) after receiving your notification. You may withhold payment on the disputed amount (and related charges) during the investigation. You must pay the amount not in dispute. You will be informed in writing whether your bill is correct or contains an error. If your bill contains an error, it will be corrected. Your liability for unauthorized charges is limited to $50 per credit card. You are not required to enroll in Fifth Third Identity Alert to maintain your credit card.
The benefits in Fifth Third Identity Alert are provided by Fifth Third's vendor, Affinion Benefits Group, LLC.