Tools to Protect Yourself

Security Technology for Consumers

Having the right tools on your computer will go a long way towards helping you to protect your personal and financial information.

Every computer you own should have:

  • A personal firewall that is not only installed but turned on at all times.
  • An up-to-date operating system. The best way to ensure your operating system is current is to turn on automatic updates.
  • Antivirus software. After installing your antivirus software, be sure to run and update it regularly. Perform a complete system scan at least weekly.
  • Anti-spyware software. After installing your anti-spyware software, be sure to run and update it regularly.
  • An updated and current browser.
  • Up-to-date versions of all other software on your system.
  • Strong passwords on all critical Internet applications that are changed at least every 90 days.
ID Theft Protection